Audits and Consulting

Audits, Inspections and Reviews are useful methods to monitor and evaluate your health and safety systems to ensure safety standards and the legal compliance of your business.
Indian law imposes specific obligations on business to:
- provide a safe place of work
- provide safe systems of work, and
- consult with workers about safety.
The capacity to carry out these critical duties requires business to undertake audits, inspections and management reviews.
The following audits, inspections and reviews provide your organization the opportunity to improve the Work Health and Safety Management System through the identification of conforming and non-conforming elements.
Audit Offering
- Safety of Plant and Equipment
- Hazardous Substances
- Work Health and Safety Management Systems
- Daily Inspection Checklist e.g Forklift Inspection
- Workplace Inspection Checklist
- Manual Handling Checklist
- Safe Operating Procedures
- Policy
- Manual Handling Procedures
- Emergency Procedures
- Ergonomic Risks
- Licensing
- First Aid in the Workpalce